Wednesday, August 20, 2008

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

When Self-Serving Skanks Give Spiritual Advice

While I almost never discuss politics in this venue, this particular scenario illustrates several points about the consequences of our actions. So this is one time that a politically oriented news story will make an appearance in a place normally reserved for strictly metaphysical topics. As you read, I think the reasons will become clear.
I read a rather disgusting article about Senator Plastic Locks, AKA John Edwards, and his mistress the self-serving slut--I mean, spiritual advisor. With the kind of advice she gives, the world is surely spiraling down in the big flush if we take it. I would run the mile from this particular "spiritual advisor" before she ever got her slimy paws on one dime of my hard-earned! This woman is the kind of person that makes a joke of psychics everywhere. She is a self-serving gold-digger whose psyche seems anything but balanced.

The Enlightened One, whose name is Rielle Hunter, (or perhaps Real Predator) told Newsweek reporter Jonathan Darman that she had met Edwards at a bar, at the Regency Hotel in New York. She thought he was giving off a special "energy."
We must now ask ourselves: could that energy have been his desire to have a fling with an easy piece so he could join the Newt Gingrich club of self-serving assholes who screw their wives over in their time of need?

The Madame Blavatsky wannabe had this to say about Johnny-Boy's wife Elizabeth, the poor idiot who has been fool enough to remain tied to Senator Plastic-Locks for lo these many years:
"I've only met her once," Rielle said. "She does not give off good energy. She didn't make eye contact with me."
Perhaps that was because she couldn't take her eyes off Senorita Man-Eater's dark roots and garish nail polish?

Not that physical appearance makes the person, but sometimes it certainly does fit them. Check out the description of Ms. Home Wrecker 2008:
She had frizzy blond hair with DARK roots, wore bright nail polish and moved like someone who knew how to work a room.
Can anyone say "trashy slut at the end of the bar???"

Rielle Man-Hunter told the reporter that human beings were dragged down by "blockages" to their actual potential; history was the story of souls entering and escaping our field of consciousness.

Blockages to their actual potential--like having an affair with a married man whose wife is battling a life-threatening illness perhaps? This doesn't seem a very spiritually enlightened act from where I stand! Being self-serving is never spiritually advanced.

Her purpose on this Earth, she said, was to help raise awareness about all this, to help the unenlightened become better reflections of their true, repressed selves.

For people like her, what this means is not concerning of the consequences your actions may have for others. Do what you will when you will and everyone else be damned.

Her latest project was John Edwards. Edwards, she said, was an old soul who had barely tapped into any of his potential. The real John Edwards, she believed, was a brilliant, generous, giving man who was driven by competing impulses—to feed his ego and serve the world. If he could only tap into his heart more, and use his head less, he had the power to be a "transformational leader" on par with Gandhi and Martin Luther King. "He has the power to change the world," she said.

If Edwards is "on par with Gandhi," I'm on par with the Virgin Mary!

As for King, he had something that Edwards does not: character. Edwards' lackluster personality makes him a walking saltine cracker. While it's true that King was also guilty of the ignoble act of cheating on his wife, he was truly concerned with making the world a better place for his fellow human being. It is apparent that when all is said and done, John Edwards is vested only in serving the interests of John Edwards.

To compare Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King to John Edwards is an insult to the memories of these great men and the things that they achieved during their lives.

This was my reply to the article on the Newsweek website:
However old John Edwards' soul may be he is an immature a*s*s to cheat on his wife, who is currently fighting breast cancer. Seems he just had to get into the Newt Gingrich club of self-serving jerks who abandon their long-suffering spouses in time of need. As for the so called "spiritual advisor," I would run the mile from advice given by a person who is so eager to get into a guy's pants that she speaks ill of said long-suffering wife. What a bunch of self-serving jerks! Mrs. Edwards is better off without the jerk although, sadly, she'll probably stand by him, figuring she can't do any better. Being alone would be better than being with that plastic narcissist.
Not by any means my best writing--I try never to use the same adjective as many times in one paragraph as I used "jerk" in that one. I wasn't aiming for a Pulitzer prize with my comment, but it does go to show why a person needs an editor for serious writing. I read that comment three times before posting it and it wasn't until later that I realized what a poor writing sample it really is.
Then again, I'm not screwing the husband of some poor woman with a life-threatening illness. So I guess I can forgive myself for hacking out a poorly executed letter to the editor and letting it escape my grasp before it was properly finished.
The upshot being that while nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes--sometimes even awful mistakes--that being arrogant and self-righteous about said mistakes only makes them even uglier. Seldom have I seen anyone more arrogant and self-righteous than Senator John Edwards. I would say the same about Rielle Hunter, except that the truth is I think that she actually has terrible feelings of self-doubt, and to cover up for her insecurities she assumes an outre persona to hide the gigantic hole in her soul. For all her talk about people becoming "better reflections of their true, repressed selves," this woman's entire presentation is nothing but a mask for the vacuum inside of her. As Darman reveals in his article:

She told me her name and asked me what my astrological sign was, which I thought was a little unusual. I told her. She smiled, and began telling me her life story: how she was working as a documentary-film maker, living with a friend in South Orange, N.J., but how she'd previously had "many lives." She'd worked, she said, as an actress and as a spiritual adviser. She was fiercely devoted to astrology and New Age spirituality. She'd been a New York party girl, she'd been married and divorced, she'd been a seeker and a teacher and was a firm believer in the power of truth.

Rielle Hunter's true self is buried beneath the many masks and costumes she's put on. She is a gigantic black hole. People like this usually see themselves as flawed and ugly and are so desperate to cover up their perceived flaws that they make themselves truly ugly with their behavior. Where John Edwards' insecurities make him a pompous fool susceptible to flattery, Rielle Hunter's make her a psychic vampire feeding off the lives of others because the truth is that she hates her own life and more than that, she hates herself.

While I'm not suggesting that there are never cases where someone is married to the wrong person, and there is never an easy way to end a relationship that's gone bad, speaking ill of the spouse of the person you've gotten involved with, especially when said spouse is having difficulties of the sort that Mrs. Edwards is, lacks class, to put it mildly. And Rielle Hunter does not seem in the least bit concerned with the effect that her and Senator Edwards' affair will have on the Edwards children. Nor, in fact, does Senator Edwards. He's getting to pretend he's a teenager having a schtoink in the back seat of his car with the town pump. She's getting to feel like she's the concubine of the next messiah. They're both wildly enamored with their own delusions. And that sort of thing never ends well.

If John Edwards and Rielle Hunter were only screwing up their own lives with their actions, it would be one thing. Unfortunately, Elizabeth Edwards and the Edwards children are caught in the crossfire. And therein lies the real tragedy.

Our actions always affect more than just ourselves. And while it is impossible to go through life without ever causing harm or sorrow, the one thing we must do is to consider the consequences of our behavior. What we choose to do today will likely affect several if not many others. Truly considering what we would feel if we were in the position of those others will help us to cause less harm and sorrow, either deliberate or accidental.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What Element Angel Are You?

What Element Angel Are You?

Water Angel

The Water Angel is calm and collected, it hates all the wars, disasters, or destrustion that's going on. The Water Angel is graceful and most beautiful.

Personality Test Results

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Water Dragon

What Elemental Dragon Are You?

Water Dragon

Personality Test Results

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Flower Sprite

pYzam Page Pets
pYzam Page Pets


The Goddess Pele: Stand back when she's PMS-ing
While I certainly don't buy the BS of the religion I was raised with that menstruating women are "unclean" and somehow "unholy," given menstruation as a curse for Eve's sins, I can't in any way disagree with calling that part of life "The Curse." Few things suck more than this process, and somehow it's never evolved from a hellish burden to a simple inconvenience, at least not for most women I know. When I was younger I would writhe in agony once a month, feeling like someone was driving a sword through my abdomen. After giving birth to my son (during which I experienced much of the pain in my back) I began having back pain with "the curse." Now in my middle years it brings nausea, heart palpatations and extreme exhaustion--and it's still just as gross. The alternative would be to stop the process using birth control pills--which bring weight gain (thanks anyway, but I'm already fat enough) and increased risk of stroke and heart attack. No, that's ok. I'll just suffer and wish I could turn into a gay dude for one week out of the month.

That being said, using "the curse" as an excuse to see women as unholy servants of Satan is asinine. Although it is true that we may seem like we're possessed during the week of the crimson tide.

I found this essay which has quotes that show the beliefs of certain people in the past regarding menstruating women. Keep in mind that these are the same people who saw those unfortunate enough to have leprosy as being somehow in league with the powers of darkness, rather than simply being people who had a disease.

Then again, how much has really changed? Think of how deplorably people with AIDS were treated initially--and how there are still idiots today how self-righteously believe that people stricken with this awful condition "deserve it" because of their sins. That's right, I can't count the number of times I've said to myself "that five year old child must be a homosexual because he has AIDS and AIDS is a gay disease and all those homos deserve to die!" Not really of course. But there are those who are that closed minded. Perhaps the example of hating on a five year old child is a tad extreme, but just a tad. AIDS is indeed a curse to the person who has it, but it isn't a judgment. It's a very serious immune system disorder that can turn deadly.

Why we have to suffer no-one has ever quite been able to figure out. There are many theories. But that both good and evil people suffer is a fact. Physical dysfunction and disease don't discriminate between the holy and the unholy. They simply exist. And while we may feel it is justice when a child murderer is stricken with a particularly awful disease but tragedy when a good person is stricken with the same disease, the disease does not in fact discriminate. The cells of any given person's body, good or evil, are fair game to the things that cause suffering.

I once read an article describing the various kinds of karma. The Wikipedia article on karma isn't quite as concise but does explain the different concepts to a degree. Karma isn't simply a matter of divine retribution, which is what people who would be inclined to believe that those who died in the Holocaust or who have been tortured or murdered are experiencing--an eye for an eye. In fact I believe that this is rarely the case. There is a type of divine retribution, but it is usually self-inflicted and sometimes erroneously so. The article also discussed a person's dharma, and the times that one person's actions affect another person's karma. There is karma for the various species on the planet, as well as for the planet itself. There are many factors coming into play and nothing is simple.

In the case of volcanoes, it could just be that the goddess Pele is PMS-ing really bad, and that's one lady whose flow you really don't want to get in the way of!
However, the most fearsome of all during that time of the month is probably Kyle Marsh's sister Shelly, as seen in this clip from the Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer episode of South Park.

To see the full episode, go here, and when the clip finishes playing, click "watch the full episode."

Where else can you get bad jokes and South Park with your metaphysical jibber-jabber? Nowhere, I tell you! Admit it--it's what keeps you coming back.

Until next time, ladies, may your periods be relatively unobtrusive and guys, sometimes the best thing to do when you know that time of the month is coming for a woman in your life, whether she be your aunt, cousin, friend, mom, sister, or significant other, is just stay out of the way until it's over!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Taoist Chanting

Dou Ma, the Dipper Mother

The nice thing about Taoist chanting is the fact that one focuses on nothing but simply repeats the mantra without anything in mind. This connects one to the Universal energy source. Things do come into my mind while chanting but they are normally feelings of being comfortable and relaxed or images of things such as flowers and constellations, sometimes of deities. There is a feeling of being connected with the Universal Energy, which helps ease the myriad of fears that I often live with. The problem with spells or directed prayers, even positive ones, is that one can become too focused on a desired outcome and then fear comes in and works in direct opposition to what the petitioner is hoping to achieve. This is unlikely to happen with chanting because the focus is on clearing the mind. This gives the Universal Energy clearance to work without obstruction from a fearful consciousness.