Friday, April 04, 2008

Ostara Invocation

I found this beautiful poem/invocation for the Goddess Ostara on this page.

Ostara Invocation

rising waxing
morning’s redness
an egg in the palm
a seed in the soil

waxing, rising
thrusting, lusting
hare of dusk and
dawning’s robin

a bloom springing forth
the down of willow
blooming, singing
rutting, springing

sap flows sweet
the birds are waking
waking, knowing
stretching, growing

Ostara, i can hear your footsteps
in sparrow song
in robin trill

Ostara, i can see your tresses
in scarlet maples
the daffodil

girl of gold and
morning’s redness
blooming, singing
rutting, springing

sap flows sweet
the songbirds waking
waking, knowing
stretching, growing

the egg in the palm
a seed in the soil

—Jenne Micale

Ostara is a goddess of fertility whose festival is held on the Spring Equinox.

As I was wanting to do work for healing my heart today and to bring good fortune to my writing project, I find Ostara to have been a fortuitous choice for the deity of the day. Fertility does not always mean reproduction. It also encompasses anything for which there is a birth process, and this includes creative works and even the growth of crops or the birth of a business.

I (and my co-author) have been feeling sad over the lack of interest in our creation, but we will continue to create, as we enjoy working together. Also, we both need a lot of healing and feel we can support each other. So we will continue our work, both creative and spiritual.

Blessings to any who may see this. I hope it helps you in some way.